Sunday, June 19, 2011

It' On!

A fire has been lit!! I hope this continues! It has been a really productive day. I submitted 4 poems to SFC magazine (which is now a paying market WHOO HOOO)! They are entitled "Sick," "Favorite Things," "Soundly Sleeping," and "Dance Machine." I have also submitted 5 art samples to SFC to be considered to be one of their freelance illustrators. I have another poem "The Water Cycle" that I want to send off to Highlights this week. I am going to get my submissions for the WiK conference contests off this week too. I am going to send "Hotdog Dog" for writing and "PJ tugged open the hatch and set the fairies free" for illustrations. I am ready to start getting some updated creds! I have not been published since 09! That is my own fault. I have not been taking time to do what I love. But no longer! Wish me luck!!

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